Monday, March 25, 2013

Course Reflection 5326

I knew that most schools have a PTA as a partnership and that some students’ clubs have parents volunteer.  I also knew that elementary schools have more parent involvement but did not know why parent involvement goes down in the upper grade levels or barriers that keep parents from being involved in schools.  The only experience that I have had with parent involvement has been when I had have to call them to let them know how their child is doing or to work on an upcoming ARD.  This course is about the role that the community and parents play in schools.  I learned that from parents to local business everyone can play an important role in schools.  In this class I thought about a partnership that can help my school and I can make part of my action research.   The idea is about getting outside counseling and tutoring for my school.  I created a Prezi presentation on how my idea can work.  I can use what I learn in this course by removing barriers that stop community and parent involvement in schools.  By removing barriers I will allow more involvement to take place.   
Some of the web conferences were helpful.  If I did not understand one part of the week’s assignment I wrote in on the chat box and either the teacher or another student would answer.  Information about the ILD and PADS training was given and I notice that I have classmates that are signed up to go to the same training days I am.  I learned from other students’ questions things that I had not thought of before.  For example, someone mentioned something about the action research.  So I e-mailed my action research to the course professor to get feedback. 

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